Ucansi oluphakathi

Abantu be-Intersex ngabantu abazalwa benanoma yiziphi izici zobulili ezibandakanya amaphethini we- chromosome , ama-gonads, noma izitho zangasese, ngokusho kwe- Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, "ezingahambelani nemibono kanambambili yemizimba yabesilisa noma yabesifazane". [1] Yize ububanzi bezici zobulili ezingathandeki bungahle bube sobala kusukela ekuzalweni ngokutholakala kwezitho zangasese eziyindida, kwezinye izimo, izici ezi-atypical zingase zinganakwa, ziveze njengezitho zangaphakathi zokuzala noma ama-chromosomes angama-atypical angahlala engaziwa kumuntu impilo yabo yonke.
Ukunikezwa kocansi ngesikhathi sokuzalwa kuvame ukuhambisana nobulili bengane yokwakheka kanye ne- phenotype . Isibalo sabantwana abazalwa benesitho sangasese esingaqondakali sisebangeni lika-0.02% kuya ku-0.05%. [2] Ezinye izimo zibandakanya ama-chromosomes angama-atypical, ama-gonads, noma ama-hormone. [3] Abanye abantu bangabelwa futhi bakhuliswe njengentombazane noma umfana kepha bese bezibandakanya nobunye ubulili kamuva empilweni, ngenkathi iningi liqhubeka nokuzibandakanya nobulili obabelwe. Isibalo sokuzalwa lapho ingane i-intersex ibikwe ngokuhlukile kuye ngokuthi ngubani obikayo nokuthi iyiphi incazelo ye-intersex esetshenziswayo. U-Anne Fausto-Sterling nababhali asebenza nabo basikisela ukuthi ukwanda kokuthuthuka kwezocansi okungenangqondo - kungahle kube ngaphezulu kuka-1.7%, kufaka phakathi nezimo odokotela abangaziboni njenge-intersex.[4] Kulezo zimo sex lapho ucansi lwe-chromosomal lungahambelani nobulili be-phenotypic, noma lapho i-phenotype ingahlukaniswa njengowesilisa noma owesifazane [..] ukwanda kweqiniso kwe-intersex kubonakala kucishe kube ngu-0.018%, cishe izikhathi eziphindwe kalikhulu kunoFausto Isilinganiso sikaSterling sika-1.7% ″, [3]kubika kukaLeonard Sax.
Amagama asetshenzisiwe ukuchaza abantu be-intersex aphikisiwe, futhi ayashintsha ngokuhamba kwesikhathi nendawo. Abantu be-Intersex phambilini babebizwa "ngama- hermaphrodites " noma " abathenwa abazalwa nabo ". [5] [6] Ngekhulu le-19 kanye nelama-20, abanye ochwepheshe bezokwelapha basungula ukuqanjwa kwamagama amasha ngomzamo wokuhlukanisa izici ababezibonile, umzamo wokuqala wokwenza uhlelo lokuhlukaniswa kwentela kwezimo ze-intersex. Abantu be-Intersex bahlukaniswa njengabantu abane " hermaphroditism yangempela ", "i- pseudohermaphroditism yabesifazane", noma "i-pseudohermaphroditism yesilisa". [7] Lawa magama awasasetshenziswa, futhi amagama afaka igama elithi "hermaphrodite" athathwa njengalahlekisayo, acwiyisayo, futhi ahloniphekile ngokwesayensi uma kubhekiswa kubantu. [8] ku-bhayoloji, igama elithi hermaphrodite lisetshenziselwa ukuchaza umzimba ongakhiqiza ama-gametes abesilisa nabesifazane.
- Blackless. How sexually dimorphic are we? Review and synthesis.
- Council of Europe (April 2015), Human rights and intersex people, Issue Paper, https://wcd.coe.int/ViewDoc.jsp?Ref=CommDH/IssuePaper(2015)1&Language=lanEnglish&Ver=original
- Hughes (June 2005). Consensus statement on management of intersex disorders.
- Jones. Intersex Studies: A Systematic Review of International Health Literature.
- Lee (2016-01-28). Global Disorders of Sex Development Update since 2006: Perceptions, Approach and Care.
- UN Committee against Torture (24 October 2016), Intersex Awareness Day – Wednesday 26 October. End violence and harmful medical practices on intersex children and adults, UN and regional experts urge, http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=20739&LangID=E
- ↑ UN Committee against Torture; UN Committee on the Rights of the Child; UN Committee on the Rights of People with Disabilities; UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment; Juan Méndez, Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; Dainius Pῡras Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health; Dubravka Šimonoviæ, Special Rapporteur on violence against women its causes and consequences; Marta Santos Pais, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on Violence against Children et al. (October 24, 2016), "Intersex Awareness Day – Wednesday 26 October. End violence and harmful medical practices on intersex children and adults, UN and regional experts urge", Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=20739&LangID=E
- ↑ Disorders of Sex Development. 2018.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 How common is intersex? a response to Anne Fausto-Sterling. August 2002. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12476264/. Alt URL
- ↑ How sexually dimorphic are we? Review and synthesis. March 2000.
- ↑ Mason H.J.. Favorinus' Disorder: Reifenstein's Syndrome in Antiquity?.
- ↑ Nguyễn Khắc Thuần (1998), Việt sử giai thoại (History of Vietnam's tales), vol. 8, Vietnam Education Publishing House, p. 55
- ↑ Zucker, Kenneth J.. Gender Identity Disorder in Children.
- ↑ Dreger, Alice D.. Changing the Nomenclature/Taxonomy for Intersex: A Scientific and Clinical Rationale. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/648f67a949075c9fd990c5b99f12283361191343.