
Ukuzinkintshela (noma umazinkintshela) yisenzo esenzeka lapho iziphumo zesimiso zibuyiselwa kuso njengezigalelo eziyingxenye yomhumo kanobangela nemiphumela owakha intandelo noma inkintsha.[1] Khona ke lesimiso kungathiwa siyazinkintshela. Isicabango sikanobangela nemiphumela kumele kuqikelelwe lapho sisetshenziswa ezimisweni zokuzinkintshela:
[hlela | Hlela umthombo]- ↑ Andrew Ford (2010). "Chapter 9: Information feedback and causal loop diagrams". Modeling the Environment. Island Press. pp. 99 ff. ISBN 9781610914253.
This chapter describes causal loop diagrams to portray the information feedback at work in a system. The word causal refers to cause-and-effect relationships. The wordloop refers to a closed chain of cause and effect that creates the feedback.