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UGerard Sekoto

Mayelana Wikipedia

USekoto wazalwa ngo-9 Disemba kowezi-1913 esiteshini se-Lutheran Mission Station eBotshabelo, eduze kwaseMiddelburg, eMpumalanga iTransvaal (manje eyaziwa ngokuthi iMpumalanga).[1] Wayeyindodana ka-Andreas Sekoto, ilungu eliholayo lamaKristu amasha. USekoto wafunda eWonderhoek,eyasungulwa uyise, umpristi nothisha.Njengendodana yesithunywa sevangeli, wazwa umculo njengengxenye yokuphila kwakhe futhi wafundiswa i-harmonium yomndeni esemncane.[2]

Imfundo kaGerard Sekoto

[hlela | Hlela umthombo]

Ngesikhathi esengumntwana, uSekoto wayedweba ngoshoki, iphepha,namapeni anemibala.[3] Amakhono akhe obuciko avele eminyakeni yakhe yokweva eshumini nambili, lapho efunda e-Diocesan Teachers Training College ePietersburg. Lesi sikole, ngokungafani nabaningi, sasinawo amakilasi okudweba neminye imisebenzi yobuciko. UGrace Dieu wayenabaqophi abaningi abanekhono abakhiqiza izithombe eziqoshiwe kanye nemincintiswano efana nombukiso waminyaka yonke we-South African Academy. Umqophi wezithombe U-<b>Ernest Mancoba</b> wayengumngane oseduze kaSekoto e-Grace Dieu, futhi bobabili babephupha ukuya eYurophu ukuze baye esikoleni sezobuciko. U-Ernest Mancoba futhi wayengumeluleki wakhe owakhuthaza uSokoto ukuba aphishekele umsebenzi wezobuciko.[3] USekoto, nokho, akakaze afaneleke ngaphakathi kwesitayela sokuqopha esibekiwe saseGrace Dieu, ukhetha ukudweba nokudweba ngokwakhe.[4]

Uphothule njengothisha e-Diocesan Teachers Training College ePietersburg wafundisa esikoleni sendawo, i-Khaiso Secondary, iminyaka emine. Ngalesi sikhathi wangenela emncintiswaneni wezobuciko (uMay Esther Bedford) owawuhlelwe I-Fort Hare University, lapho anikezwa khona umklomelo wesibili. UGeorge Pemba wanikezwa umklomelo wokuqala. USekoto wayenesithakazelo esiyimfihlo sokwenza ubuciko, kodwa wayehlukene phakathi kothando lwakhe lokufundisa nobuciko. Wayefihla umsebenzi wakhe noma nini lapho noma ubani esondela kuwo, futhi wayebonisa kuphela umsebenzi wakhe kubangane bakhe abaseduze. Wavumela kuphela ULouis Makenna, UNimrod Ndebele, no-U-Ernest Mancoba ukuba babheke imidwebo yakhe.[5]

  1. John Peffer, Art and the End of Apartheid, University of Virginia Press, 1991, p. 2.
  2. https://www.gerardsekotofoundation.com/
  3. 3.0 3.1 Boy and the Candle: Gerard Sekoto. p. 2218–9. 
  4. Elizabeth Morton, "Grace Dieu Mission in South Africa: Defining the Modern Art Workshop in Africa." In S. Kasfir and T. Forster (eds), African Art and Agency in the Workshop, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2013, 50-2.
  5. Eyene, Christine (5 July 2010). "Sekoto and Négritude: The Ante‐room of French Culture". Third Text 24 (4): 423–435. doi:10.1080/09528822.2010.491373.